
Monday, March 9, 2015

The 49ers Without Jim Harbaugh

    The Jim Tomsula era was suppose to be a bang in the 49ers team history, and it's turning out that way... In a very bad way. Players are wanting to leave the team, Patrick Willis is retiring early, and Justin Smith is thinking about retiring with him. Michael Crabtree wants out. Stevie Johnson just got cut. Frank Gore is going to either Philadelphia or Indianapolis. Mike Iupati is leaving to sign with the Cardinals tomorrow. Rumors are floating around that the 49ers are trading Colin Kaepernick (team officials have denied these claims).

    To make all matters worse, FB Bruce Miller just got arrested for attacking his wife, and the team is disappointed in him. He probably won't be with the team next season.

    So, why is all of this happening now?

    Apparently, the Willis retirement has nothing to do with team issues. Several sources have confirmed that his cited reasons for stepping down at age 30 is for a "religious awakening" he has experienced, and as a result of that, he is hanging up his cleats and leaving the league. 2nd year standout Chris Borland, who replaced Willis and played well in the last 10 games of the season, will step into the big shoes of a potential Hall of Famer Linebacker.

    The Justin Smith retirement isn't as much of a surprise. He said that he's been thinking about retiring since the end of the 2014 season. Ironically, the end of the 2014 season for the 49ers was when Jim Harbaugh left town and rejoined the college ranks with Michigan. He's been in the league for 12 years now, and he's probably winded down to the end of his game.

    However, Frank Gore, Willis and Smith we're the key pillar stones in the 49ers last 3 playoff runs. So was Harbaugh. Iupati has protected 49ers QB's effectively all his career, and that's going to make it difficult for Kaepernick to stay on top of his game.

    Kaepernick on the trade block is an interesting subject within itself. The 49ers have denied the claims that originated from a Houston sports talk radio station, and to quote Trent Baalke, the 49ers General Manager, "He is not going anywhere. The media reports suggesting otherwise are without merit, and quite frankly, ridiculous."

    Not many media outlets are believing the word of any 49ers front office staff. Late into the 2014 season, they denied claims that Harbaugh and the front office weren't getting along, and those rumors were reported to being true.

    Jayson Braddock has had a knack in recent events to reporting insider news first, and he got ahold of this one early, tweeting yesterday at about 12:10 that they were talking Kaepernick trades with an NFC team, and 10 minutes later reporting it was the Bears. However, Adam Scheffler of ESPN said a well ranking 49er official said it was not true, 0% truth.

    Mike Iupati is a huge hit to the 49ers offensive line. Adam Scheffler had reported that he was non-committal to rejoining the Niners in 2015, mainly due to the fact that the team is abandoning their power offense for a faster and more modern one.

    I heard a recording of a reporter talking to Coach Tomsula about hiring his staff, and they asked him if he what he was looking for in a defensive coordinator. "Someone who can motivate the players," was his response. When asked if he would hire a coach on that, his answer was "Not necessarily, no." I'm beginning to question the leadership of Coach Tomsula in San Francisco.

    The 49ers team is falling apart without Jim Harbaugh. That's the honest truth. I don't know how San Francisco will fare in 2015, but I'm going to guess that it's not going to be good. This team is falling apart so quickly this offseason, so things must really be bad in San Francisco. 

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